Tuesday, February 2, 2010

chap 6

I do no envy those that have to pick the people that will work for them. pooring over all the resumes/applications looking for just the right person(s). I wish that there was an easier way for both the employer as well as the employee. I have spent a couple days worth of time creating and recreating my resume, and tayloring it to each place i apply.
Resume is a quick and cheep way for employers to filter the ppl that want the job, but is very bias and in many cases have unaccurate information in it.
References help but you'll only find ppl that will only say good things.
BG checks will compleatly unbias but most of wont paint a clear picture of the person.
employment tests in my opinon is a great tool to use to see a little more of the persons personality.
work sample see what they can really do.
and then the interview got to love those =)

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