Tuesday, January 19, 2010

refection of the 19th

-I think that most of us would stay late to watch a snip of Office =). A lot of the internal vs. external hiring I’ve always had the point of view that the internal is always best because you know what you’re getting. But I never really looked at the pros or external.
-My dad has been a very high demand Satellite communications engineer for several decades and at his last job more than anything he was just there to help the new people get the real world experience needed to really excel but in the end it was my dad's EXP that get the project finished.
-I’m glad that education has been such a big drive in our country to get those highly skilled ppl to fill some gaps. I just wish that there was more of a push to get those ppl sitting on their butts living off their unemployment checks filling some of the grunt work tasks that are being pushed off to the Illegal immigrants. Too many ppl are too lazy to do some real work.
-working in retail I know about the lack of Employee encouragement. it seems the only time my boss talks to me is to tell me what to do or what I did wrong. on top of that as much as I suggest really good ideas to my managers I always get told that "that is not the way corporate told us to do it" they have broken my spirit I have become an unsatisfied drone.

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