Thursday, March 11, 2010

Reflection of 3-11-10

I really enjoyed going over different benifits in class today. I have had several questions that ive never been able to ask, that i was able to.

Reflection of 3-2-10

I found the time learning about the places to do research very helpful. now i know where to look for info on my topic.

chap 14 review

I think that unions are a little outdated and in many instances are more of a henderence then a help. most of the problems that unions helped with way back when they were created have be fixed with current laws and organizations like osha

chap 13 review

more companies should provide life insurance to their employees but even more I think that more employers should take a small life insurance policy on their employees to help cover the cost of hireing and training a new person to take over that position.

chap 12 review

I think that piecework rate would be the most effective way to do pay, as long as there is a inspection process at the end. the faster you work the more you should get paid, because you are bringing in more money to the company.

Chap 11 review

I'm a little torn on weather i think that minimum wage is entirely a good idea. the pros, it garntees that people that work will at least make this much excluding many commisions based jobs. it is suppost to be set up so that someone working full time could live on that.

cons in most places the minimum wage gets out dated really fast and it takes a long time for it to be adjusted. I also think that it plays a part in inflation. the higher the minimum wage gose the more companies have to raise their prices to compensate for the money they have to pay their employees.